Services in Churches across our benefice
- Occurring
- Every Sunday at for 1 hour
- Venue
- Various Locations - see service details below
- Address Various Locations - see service details below, St Michael's Church 16 Church Lane Kirk Langley DE6 4NG, DE22 4NG, United Kingdom
The following services will be taking place across the churches in our benefice:-
March 16th - Holy Communion - 9.30am - St Michael's, Kirk Langley
March 23rd - Holy Communion - 9.30am - All Saints', Mugginton
March 23rd - Morning Prayer - 9.30am - St Michael's, Kirk Langley
March 30th - Morning Prayer - 9.30am - St Michael's, Kirk Langley
March 30th - Joint Benefice Morning Prayer with Baptism - 10.30am - All Saints', Mugginton
March 30th - All Age Holy Communion with Baptism - 11.15am - St Chad's, Longford
April 4th - School End of Term Service - 2.30pm - All Saints', Mugginton
April 6th - Holy Communion - 9.30am - St Michael's, Kirk Langley
April 6th - Holy Communion - 10.30am - Christ Church, Long Lane
April 13th - Morning Prayer - 9.15am - Christ Church, Long Lane
April 13th - Morning Prayer - 9.30am - St Michael's, Kirk Langley
April 13th - Holy Communion - 9.30am - All Saints', Mugginton
April 17th - Holy Communion - 7.30pm - St Michael's, Kirk Langley
April 18th - Hour Before the Cross - 2pm - All Saints', Mugginton
April 20th - Holy Communion - 9.30am - St Michael's, Kirk Langley
April 20th - Holy Communion - 9.30am - All Saints', Mugginton
April 20th - All Age Holy Communion - 11.15am - St Chad's, Longford
April 27th - Morning Prayer - 9.30am - St Michael's, Kirk Langley