Facilities and features


We have good toilet provision throughout our building - including a toilet for those with disabilities located in the Church Hall.

We have a baby changing table located in the disabled toilet in the Church Hall.

We have our own church car-park accessible from Allestree Lane. There are parking spaces close to the main door for those who need help with accessibility. There is a doorbell at waist height for those who may need assistance coming into the building.

Located in the Church Hall

Spaces are adjacent to the entrance of the building and have extra room for those with modified vehicles.

We have a hearing loop in the main Church building.

Large print Bible available upon request



Our Building

Music and Worship

3pm services

There is a worship band led by Paul that plays most weeks

Groups, Courses and Activities

Every Tuesday 3:15-5pm during term time

151st St Nicholas Allestree meets in a purpose built Scout HQ at the rear of the Church Hall. Contact them directly for more information.

Every Fourth Sunday @ 10am.

Coffee & Chat meet on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month in the Church Room at 10:30am. All welcome, no need to book.

151st St Nicholas Allestree meets in a purpose built Scout HQ at the rear of the Church Hall. Contact them directly for more information.

We collect food and toiletries in the church and deliver to Centenary House and the Padley Centre in Derby.

Play'n'Praise meets every Tuesday morning in term time in St Nick's Church Hall. This is a lovely pre-school group for parents and children to meet up and enjoy some time out.

151st St Nicholas Allestree meets in a purpose built Scout HQ at the rear of the Church Hall. Contact them directly for more information.

Help for Visitors

There is a Coop supermarket just 5 mins walk from the church, just next to Markeaton public house.

Other Features

All our services are projected onto the screen, paper copies are available on request.

We hire our Hall and church rooms - please contact the Church admin for availability and details of rates. [email protected]