Facilities and features


All our toilets are level access with one suitable for wheelchair users and another with a baby change table.

One of our church toilets has a baby change table. We ask parents to please take soiled nappies away with them. When the under fives go out for their groups they have access to another toilet, again with baby changing facilities.

There is parking on the streets around church. The main car park is over at the church halls DE23 6GA next to the White Swan.
Church Street becomes a school exclusion zone from 8.30am-9am and 3pm- 3.45pm during the week in term-time. If you enter Church Street during these times you will be issued with a penalty notice.

There is a wheelchair accessible toilet.
All the toilets are unisex and can be accessed near the stairs at the back of the worship area.

Please switch to T to access the loop

Assistance dogs are welcome, please introduce yourself to the welcome team as you arrive.

Gluten free communion wafers are available
Gluten free, dairy free, vegan refreshments are available and supplied in sealed packaging.

Level access throughout the worship area, we will remove one of the chairs to accommodate your wheelchair. We also have a couple of wheelchairs available to assist those who need help from a vehicle.

Our Building

The Chancel glass is approx 500 years old and is backlit.
The south aisle extension includes more modern glass

We have the A Rocha Bronze Award and are currently working towards the Silver

The building is Grade II listed

Music and Worship

The church is available to hire - the acoustics are good, despite the carpet

The organ is usable but not very special.... sorry.

Our band play on Sundays at 10am and rehearse on a Thursday evening.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Every 2nd Sunday evening Messy Youth in St Peter's Hub Y6-Y9
Twice a month on a Wednesday at 3.15pm Hot Chocolate and Toast at St Andrew's Hub for school years 7-9

We run Alpha every year - checkout our website to see when the next course is on

This takes place approx every two months. Take a look at our events page for more information.
Sunday School - Energise and Go! is available weekly (aside from First Sunday which is All Age in Church) and the children meet in St Peter's Hub before 10am. Ages Y1-Y8 Parents them go over to church and children are brought over by leaders later in the service. Third Sunday is Lego Church!

Tiddlywinks on a Monday afternoon in term time 1.30pm-2.45pm St Peter's Hub on Normanton Lane. Stay and Play with crafts, songs and story.
Sundays we have Diddy Disciples which takes place in the creche room, in St Peter's church building. Ask the welcome team to introduce you to the leaders. Parents can stay if they wish.

Messy Youth, second Sunday in the month. 5pm at St Peter's Hub on Normanton Lane - games, conversation and stuff to make. Everyone Y6 upwards welcome.

Help for Visitors

A small history booklet is available £2.50

Crossed Keys Cafe in St Peter's Hub every Monday 9.30am to 12.30pm - fresh coffee, cakes, bacon rolls, snacks and a warm welcome.

Other Features

We collect food for the Derby Food 4 Thought - food hub, supplying more than 15 foodbanks across the city. Leave food in the welcome area or on the Vicarage doorstep in the tin. Tinned meat (hot and cold) is very welcome.

Projector with SongPro, sound system, camera, Zoom and livestream available