Facilities and features


There are toilets on the Tissington Trail, open every day.

Herbert's Tea Rooms opposite the church have bike racks, welcoming cyclists from the Tissington Trail and other scenic routes.

Most visitors make the church a part of their village tour, and there are three paths that connect us to the village, all without steps. Parking opposite the Hall or by the pond gives access to these paths.
Tissington Trail has a large pay and display car park for longer stays.

There is an accessible toilet on the Tissington Trail just on the edge of the village by a large car park.

A wooden ramp with a handrail takes you into church, there is just one entrance.

Dogs who know that a stone church building is 'inside' are welcome in St Mary's

Our Building

With Norman features, and Victorian additions and alterations, the church is an intimate and delightful building. There is no running water, but a large trough for people to use for their flowers in the churchyard.

Music and Worship

we ring three bells for weddings, if asked, and for major national events. Our bell ringers often travel to other churches, and we welcome visiting groups.

We are blessed to have a wonderful organ and a few skilled organists who play for our services, weddings and funerals.

Our BCP Holy Communion is usually on the third Sunday of the month at 8.00 am without hymns.

Groups, Courses and Activities

During the year a Benefice prayer and fellowship groups meets in a local home, please contact the vicar for details.

Help for Visitors

Our new full colour guidebook is available in church at £2.

Herberts, the Tea Rooms, is at the bottom of the path to church, open most of the year

Other Features