Fitzherbert School Collective Worship

Every Monday at for 20 mins
St Edmund King & Martyr
Ashes Lane Fenny Bentley Ashbourne, DE6 1LD, United Kingdom

Children and staff of FitzHerbert School walk across to church for their Monday morning collective worship. parents/carers and any members of the Fenny Bentley parish are welcome to join this simple act of worship which includes prayer, singing and a short talk.

Does not occur in school holidays or on Bank Holidays.

United Benefice Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Edmund King & Martyr
Ashes Lane Fenny Bentley Ashbourne, DE6 1LD, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion with hymns (accompanied on the organ). All are welcome. There is coffee/tea and refreshment - sometimes bacon baps!, after the service for any who would like to stay and chat.