The Martyr's Players

Every Monday and Thursday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
St George’s Parish Church
Church Lane New Mills High Peak, SK22 4NP, United Kingdom

"The Martyr’s Players is a dedicated church theatre group who aim to inspire, educate, and entertain audiences through the plays we perform. All are welcome to join the group whether to be on stage, backstage or Front of House."

Said Eucharist

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
St George’s Parish Church
Church Lane New Mills High Peak, SK22 4NP, United Kingdom

Said Eucharist in the Lady Chapel

Nurture Group

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St George’s Parish Church
Church Lane New Mills High Peak, SK22 4NP, United Kingdom

A relaxed and light-hearted group which meets to talk about some aspect of our faith and life. The topic varies from week to week.

Handcrafted With Love

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
St George’s Parish Church
Church Lane New Mills High Peak, SK22 4NP, United Kingdom

"Handcrafted With Love is a welcoming group at St. George's Church where creativity meets community. Join us as we gather to craft unique items, share skills, and enjoy warm fellowship. Whether you're an experienced artisan or a curious beginner, everyone is invited to create something special—handcrafted with love!"

Choir Practice

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St George’s Parish Church
Church Lane New Mills High Peak, SK22 4NP, United Kingdom

The choir has always played an integral part here at St. George’s Parish Church.

The choir has been affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) since 1948 and follows the RSCM training scheme called ‘A Voice For Life’.

We lead both the sung and said parts of services providing a high standard of uplifting choral music under the musical direction of Tim Hawkins our Organist and Choir Director.

We take part in local festivals and events and sing at all major services here at St. George’s. Our busiest times being Christmas and Easter!

Being part of our choir offers some excellent benefits – all for free!

You will receive:

- Musical theory and practical training
- Training in self-discipline and confidence
- Social interaction with other members of the choir
- Experience of singing a wide genres of Choral styles.

We are a very friendly group and new members are always very welcome regardless of religious background. However, since our primary role is to lead the music and spoken parts of the church’s liturgies, choir members must be willing to lead worship in these ways.


Tim Hawkins – Choir Director & Organist

Carolyn Hawkins – Sub Organist

Mair Cornforth – Assistant Organist

Tim Banham – Assistant Organist

We rehearse on a Wednesday Evenings from 7.30 to 8.30pm and you are very welcome to come along to any of our rehearsals to see what we get up to.

Term Time Only - Rehearsal day may change - please contact us for more information - 01663 746226


Every Friday at for 1 hour
St George’s Parish Church
Church Lane New Mills High Peak, SK22 4NP, United Kingdom

"Bellringing is a fantastic hobby where you can socialise and learn a new unique skill. No musical ability is needed. You need to be physically able but not a weight lifter! We are a friendly group and welcome learners who can commit to Friday night practices.
Please get in contact if you'd like to come and see what Bellringing is all about."

Luncheon Club

Every Friday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
St George’s Parish Church
Church Lane New Mills High Peak, SK22 4NP, United Kingdom

"This group is aimed at elderly people that are unable to get to church on a Sunday for Communion. The Eucharist service is followed by a hot lunch. If you know anyone that used to take Communion and can no longer attend Church, then please get in touch. Numbers are limited.

We are always looking for volunteers to help run this group. If you feel you could help, then we would love to hear from you. All volunteers can stay for a free lunch."

Please call Fr. Owain on 01663 743225


Said Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St George’s Parish Church
Church Lane New Mills High Peak, SK22 4NP, United Kingdom

A quiet and reflective service in the Lady Chapel

Sung Parish Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St George’s Parish Church
Church Lane New Mills High Peak, SK22 4NP, United Kingdom

10.00am Sung Parish Eucharist

Godly Play

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St George’s Parish Church
Church Lane New Mills High Peak, SK22 4NP, United Kingdom

Aimed at Primary School children, we listen to a bible story, think about it’s meaning, enjoy an activity and snacks and we say prayers.

Evening Prayer

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St George’s Parish Church
Church Lane New Mills High Peak, SK22 4NP, United Kingdom

Evening Prayer - Book of Common Prayer