It's that time of year when we update the Church Electoral Roll, the list of people entitled to vote at the Annual Church Meeting in April. You do not have to be on the list to worship at St Andrew's, but we do encourage you to be on the roll.
This year a completely new Electoral is being prepared. This means that everyone who wants to be on the roll must complete a new application form, even if they've been on the roll in previous years.
Blank application forms are available at the back of church. Please leave completed forms in the folder. Alternatively you can download and print the attached form at home and return it to church. The attached Privacy Notice also outlines how your details will be used.
If you have any questions about being on the roll, or need help to complete it, please speak to Sue Barnes, or one of the church wardens.
All completed forms must be returned by Friday 11th April 2025.