Romans Course


The book of Romans can be challenging. Some verses are hard to understand, and other bits seem controversial in our cultural context. But by unpacking the letter in its original setting, the relevance of the overall message for today can be explored.

The Romans Course is a ten-session programme including videos filmed against the stunning backdrop of Rome together with time for discussion, to help study and apply Paul’s letter to the Romans. Using the metaphor of a mountain climb, the course tackles ten big themes found in the book of Romans which are key to understanding the Christian faith.

5th June        1. Gospel – How can we become confident in our faith?

12th June      2. Sin – What's wrong with the world?

26th June      3. Salvation – What's so amazing about grace?

3rd July          4. Peace – How can we find rest in a stressful world?

17th July        5. Freedom – How can we avoid negative cycles?

24th July        6. Hope – What has God promised?

31st July        7. Mystery – If God is sovereign, what is our role?

7th August    8. Devotion – How can we live full on for God?

14th August  9. Community – How can we live together in love?

21st August 10. Mission – How can we be ambitious with the gospel?

I warmly invite you to come along at 7.30pm on Wednesday evenings to St Andrew's Church, Hadfield. 

Rev’d. Chris Nowak