It's that time of year when we update the Church Electoral Roll, the list of people entitled to vote at the Annual Church Meeting in April. You do not have to be on the list to worship at St Andrew's, but we do encourage you to be on the roll.This year a completely new Electoral is being prepared. This means that everyone who wants to be on the roll must complete a new application form, even if they've been on the roll in previous years.Blank application forms are available at the back of church. Please leave completed forms in the folder. Alternatively you can download and print the attached form at home and return it to church. The attached Privacy Notice also outlines how your details will be used.If you have any questions about being on the roll, or need help to complete it, please speak to Sue Barnes, or one of the church wardens.All completed forms must be returned by Friday 11th April 2025.
Dear Friends at St Andrew's Church Hadfield, Thank you so much for your kind gift of £782.00 to strengthen your persecuted church family around the world who are risking it all to follow Jesus. Thanks to your prayers and support, our brothers and sisters know they are not alone and can stand strong in their faith.Salim* and Sakina* had encountered immense personal grief, including multiple miscarriages, when they met a pastor, who introduced them to Jesus. They got baptised and went on to lead a further 70 Muslims to Jesus! However, they encountered persecution from family and locals, including death threats. “We thank the organisation a million times,” says Salim, after Open Doors local partners provided them with housing and livelihood support. “When we were surrounded by problems, you stood with us. We thank you a million times.” May the Lord fill you with His Spirit and surround you with His love.Your sister in Christ,Henrietta BlythCEO, Open Doors UK and Ireland*Names changed for security reasons
Kimbilio has an ambitious project to construct a new purpose built Day Centre. This is the building adjacent to the main road and has a toilet and shower block at the far side of the site. As well as providing food, medical care and clean water, the building will include a hair dressing salon where teenage mums who have trained in hair dressing skills can set up their own hairdressing business, enabling them to support their babies. It will also include a craft shop where parents who have completed our tailoring training can sell their amazing products. This will provide them with an income to feed their children, preventing them from coming back to the streets. It is an exciting project and will really improve the quality of care that the Kimbilio team can provide for street children in the DR Congo.The Congo Children Trust is making a tremendous difference to the lives of young children, families and communities in Congo, and we are fortunate to have a fantastic Congolese team delivering the Kimbilio project. However, our success is a reflection of the energy, generosity and dedication of our supporters from around the world; and each individual is a valued member of our Kimbilio communityPlease consider telling your friends and family about our work which will help us increase the work we can do in our community.Many lovely Christmas gifts with a Congolese flavour are now available from our Etsy shop. All funds raised directly support the hugely valuable work of Kimbilio with street children in DRC: you once again for all you have done to help children in D.R.Congo have a more positive future.With gratitude,Ian HarveyFounding Director, Congo Children Andrew's Church supports Kimbilio through donations and prayer.
St Andrew's Church has strong links with St Andrew's Junior School, Hadfield. One of the ways we support them is by nominating three Foundation Governors. We currently need a volunteer to fill a vacancy. Is this something you feel called to do?Derby Diocese Board of Education has more information about the role of Foundation Governors. Or download the attached file about being a school governor at St Andrew's Junior School.