Come and join in the celebration of God as Father, Son, Holy Spirit and all that it means to us as individuals and as a Church, and the church that carries the name of Holy Trinity.
Trinity Sunday is always a special service and also our once a year ’Giving Day’ where we ask you to give financially for the upkeep, running costs, and the services we provide to the Dinting community and Glossopdale.
Help keep Holy Trinity Church Dinting Vale a beautiful community space and place of prayer by donating if you can a one-off gift by placing your donation in an envelope or cash directly in the offertory plate or by card on the day. You can also set up a smaller monthly bank order regular donation for the church on the form available in church.
Do come along to celebrate all things Holy Trinity whether you are a regular, occasional visitor, or perhaps for the first time, you are always welcome. There are children's activity bags available, disabled & baby change facility, hearing loop if required, and always a warm welcome. Refreshments served following the service for you.