Sunday Services

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St John the Evangelist, (St John's Charlesworth)
Marple Road Charlesworth Glossop, SK13 5DA, United Kingdom

Sunday Morning Worship, either Morning Prayer or Holy Communion, every week at 10:00 at St John's Charlesworth. Within a month services include: Holy Communion, Morning Worship, Brunch church (more relaxed style). Each service includes music, prayer, bible reading, short talk or activity followed by tea and coffee and a time to catch up and natter together. All are welcome, all ages, all abilities, all experience.

Youth and Young adult worship night

for 1 hour
St James Chuch
, SK13 8JQ

Relaxed time of food, worship, chit chat, hang out for youth, young adults and adults who think they are young. All welcome, free. Come and give it a go.

Puppets and Pasta Tea

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
St John the Evangelist, (St John's Charlesworth)
Marple Road Charlesworth Glossop, SK13 5DA, United Kingdom

A new service for primary school and younger children and their adults. Come and hear a brilliant bible story told by our puppets followed by pasta tea with your friends. Free to all.

8.30am Quiet Communion

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St John the Evangelist, (St John's Charlesworth)
Marple Road Charlesworth Glossop, SK13 5DA, United Kingdom

Simple reflective half an hour quiet Communion Service.
No fuss, peaceful, calm. traditional

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Brunch Church

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St John the Evangelist, (St John's Charlesworth)
Marple Road Charlesworth Glossop, SK13 5DA, United Kingdom

A relaxed service with breakfast second Sunday of the month.
Come along, croissants, tea, coffee, juice, gentle thought for the day and time chatting together. Free for everyone.