8.30am Quiet Communion

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St John the Evangelist, (St John's Charlesworth)
Marple Road Charlesworth Glossop, SK13 5DA, United Kingdom

Simple reflective half an hour quiet Communion Service.
No fuss, peaceful, calm. traditional

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Brunch Church

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St John the Evangelist, (St John's Charlesworth)
Marple Road Charlesworth Glossop, SK13 5DA, United Kingdom

A relaxed service with breakfast second Sunday of the month.
Come along, croissants, tea, coffee, juice, gentle thought for the day and time chatting together. Free for everyone.

Puppets and Pasta Tea

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St John the Evangelist, (St John's Charlesworth)
Marple Road Charlesworth Glossop, SK13 5DA, United Kingdom

A new service for primary school and younger children and their adults. This month we are learning about the lost sheep, making a puppet, decorating biscuits and hearing a great story

Sunday Gathering with communion

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St John the Evangelist, (St John's Charlesworth)
Marple Road Charlesworth Glossop, SK13 5DA, United Kingdom

Join us on Sunday for an uplifting time together where we remember God's love for us and the world. Join in as much as you want with blessings of the week, songs, bible reading and short talk. So come along if you are a regular church goer, once came to church, used to come, or think hey- why not let's give it a go! Afterwards there's chat, tea, coffee and often cake.