Tuesday Morning Prayer on video link

Every Tuesday at for 40 mins
Online, Contact us for login details

All welcome - please contact the Church Office at [email protected] for a link and for further details

You may also be interested in our YouTube Channel

Mid-week Communion

Every Wednesday at for 40 mins
Newbold Parish Church, St John's
St. John's Road Newbold Chesterfield, S41 8PE, United Kingdom

Gather for a short said Communion Service on a Wednesday morning in the Parish Room, behind church. Refreshements are served afterwards for those who would like to stop and chat.

Monthly Churchyard Tidy Up

Monthly. Every Second Saturday at for 2 hours
Newbold Parish Church, St John's
St. John's Road Newbold Chesterfield, S41 8PE, United Kingdom

Members of the church and our community are coming together on the second Saturday of each month between 10am-12pm, with their gardening tools, to help maintain the churchyard. Refreshments are served, to keep up the energy levels and provide a social space.
We want to honour those we have lost, as well as the family and friends who visit, by providing a lovely green space that can be a sanctuary for the whole community. The responsibility for maintaining the churchyard ultimately rests with the council however we want to work together to make this be the best it can be. We are still in reclamation mode as we come out of the pandemic but it is hoped we will soon be in maintenance mode and even development mode soon!
We are grateful for support from the Community Pay Back team, who are doing sterling work, to Sam, who has been mobilising support and fundraising to help make improvements, and all those who give up some of their time to join us, thank you.

2nd Saturday of the month

10am Service in church

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Newbold Parish Church, St John's
St. John's Road Newbold Chesterfield, S41 8PE, United Kingdom

Sunday Mornings

Messy Church

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Newbold Parish Church, St John's
St. John's Road Newbold Chesterfield, S41 8PE, United Kingdom

Our Messy Church Service is at 4pm on the first Sunday of each month. We spend about 45 minutes doing craft activites on a theme, then we have a short informal talk with some songs and a prayer, then we move into the parish room for sandwiches, cakes and a drink finishing about 5.30pm. Very suitable for families with children of all ages.