Midweek Communion

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
St Thomas' Brampton
St Thomas' Church Chatsworth Road, Brampton Chesterfield, S40 3AW, United Kingdom

Join us for Communion every Wednesday at 10am in church

Watoto Children's Choir

for 2 hours
St Thomas' Brampton
St Thomas' Brampton, St Thomas' Church Chatsworth Road, Brampton Chesterfield, S40 3AW, United Kingdom

The Watoto Children's Choir are back! Join us for their amazing "Better Days" tour. Go to our website or scan the QR code to book your place.

Tot's Time

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
St Thomas' Centre
St Thomas' Centre, Chatsworth Road, Brampton (behind St Thomas' Church) Chesterfield, S40 3AW

This is an action packed parent and child group with Bible stories, songs, crafts and sensory activities. Cost £2 per family per session.

Coffee and a Chat

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
St Thomas' Centre
St Thomas' Centre, Chatsworth Road, Brampton (behind St Thomas' Church) Chesterfield, S40 3AW

An open table in the Coffee Bar to meet new people, make new friends, or fill an hour. Come along to our coffee bar in the Church Centre. No need to book.

Kid's Club

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
St Thomas' Centre
St Thomas' Centre, Chatsworth Road, Brampton (behind St Thomas' Church) Chesterfield, S40 3AW

Our Kid's Club is packed with games, activities and time to explore the Bible. The cost is £1 per session.
We'd LOVE to see you! Pre register by emailing [email protected]

Prayer Meeting

Every Friday at for 30 mins
St Thomas' Brampton
St Thomas' Church Chatsworth Road, Brampton Chesterfield, S40 3AW, United Kingdom

Join us in the Snug in the Church Suite. Everyone welcome.

9:15am Sunday Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Thomas' Brampton
St Thomas' Church Chatsworth Road, Brampton Chesterfield, S40 3AW, United Kingdom

Join us every Sunday morning at 9:15am to worship together.
- Traditional service with a liturgical focus and hymns.
- Holy Communion most weeks.
- Refreshments will be served after the service in the Church Centre.

We would love to meet you and welcome you to church.

Sign up to receive our Midweek News on our website which has all the details of what’s going on in our church each week.


10:45am Sunday Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Thomas' Brampton
St Thomas' Church Chatsworth Road, Brampton Chesterfield, S40 3AW, United Kingdom

Join us every Sunday morning at 10:45am to worship together.
- Contemporary and Informal Service
- Families Worship for children and their grown ups to learn together during the service.
- Coffee and Tea available both before and after the service.

We would love to meet you and welcome you to church.

Sign up to receive our Midweek News on our website which has all the details of what’s going on in our church each week.


6pm Sunday Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Thomas' Brampton
St Thomas' Church Chatsworth Road, Brampton Chesterfield, S40 3AW, United Kingdom

A friendly service of worship, prayer and discussion designed to be an opportunity for teaching and equipping.
Contact our Church Office if you would like to Join our mailing list to receive all our up to date service information - [email protected]

Family Cafe

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Thomas Centre
St Thomas Centre, Chatsworth Road Brampton (behind St Thomas' Church) Chesterfield Derbyshire, S40 3AW

Join us with your babies, toddlers and preschoolers in Meeting Room 2 where there’ll be toys and stories. Hot drinks and toast are free.

Coffee and a Chat

Every Monday at for 1 hour
St Thomas' Centre
St Thomas' Centre, Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield (behind St Thomas' Church), S40 3AW, United Kingdom

An open table in the Coffee Bar to meet new people, make new friends, or fill an hour. Come along to our coffee bar in the Church Centre. No need to book.

Also takes place on Thursdays between 2pm and 3pm

Knit and Natter

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
St Thomas' Centre
St Thomas' Centre, Chatsworth Road Brampton (behind St Thomas Church) Chesterfield Derbyshire, S40 3AW, United Kingdom

Knit and Natter is a friendly group of people who enjoy crafts - not just knitting and crochet, but also cross stitch, embroidery, weaving, colouring etc. We have patterns, wool and needles to start you off or you can bring your own.
We meet from 9.30-12 noon on Tuesdays in the main hall in St Thomas' centre. You can arrive and leave at any time between these times.
The morning costs £3.50 which includes refreshments.
Please feel free to turn up to any of our sessions, or contact Marie Witham on [email protected] or 07736814056 for more information.

Thom's Blokes

Monthly. Every Third Tuesday at for 2 hours
St Thomas' Centre
St Thomas' Centre, Chatsworth Road Brampton (behind St Thomas Church) Chesterfield Derbyshire, S40 3AW, United Kingdom

A friendly bunch of blokes who meet once a month for talks, trips out, and time to chat.
We meet monthly on the third Tuesday of the month. For some meetings we take a trip out to a nearby place of interest. Alternatively we meet at 1pm in the Church Centre to listen to a guest speaker.
You can find out more about our programme of meetings by clicking on the Thom's Blokes heading under the About Us tab.
For more information contact Tony Witham on [email protected] or by phoning 01246 206820.

Lent Lunch

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Thomas Centre
St Thomas Centre, Chatsworth Road Brampton (behind St Thomas church) Chesterfield, S40 3AW

After the 10:45 service on Sunday 23rd March we will be joining together for our Lent Lunch.

Everyone is welcome. There is no charge, any donations on the day will be given to the Open Doors charity.

Church Prayer Gathering

Monthly. Every Fourth Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Thomas' Brampton
St Thomas' Church Chatsworth Road, Brampton Chesterfield, S40 3AW, United Kingdom

We hold a monthly informal prayer gathering on the last Wednesday of each month - a chance to pray for the world, our nation, our community and our church.
Low key and with space for everyone to pray in a way they feel comfortable.
All welcome - contact Jon Wood if you want to know more.

Holiday Club 14th to 18th April

Every day at for 2 hours, 30 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
St Thomas' Brampton
St Thomas' Church Chatsworth Road, Brampton Chesterfield, S40 3AW, United Kingdom

Our FREE Holiday Club will be running from the 14th to the 18th April and is open to any children in the school years Reception to Year 6.

Booking is essential. Click on "MORE INFO" below to book your places.