Thom's Blokes

We are a friendly bunch of blokes who meet monthly on the third Tuesday of the month.  Anyone is welcome to join us.  For some meetings we take a trip out to a nearby place of interest. The cost of these visits depends on the admission price at the venue. When we're not going on a trip we meet at 1pm in the Church Centre to listen to a guest speaker – the cost then is £3 per person. Talks range over a wide variety of topics. 


Tuesday 18th June

We will be paying a visit to Creswell Crags.  Meet in the church car park at 9:15am. Pre-booking is essential. Contact Tony Witham on [email protected] or by phoning 01246 206820.

Tuesday 16th July

We will be having a talk about volcanoes.  Meet in the Church Centre at 1pm

We don't meet in August.

Thoms_Blokes_2023_programme_no_2, PDF
