Watch Jonathan Scott playing Sefauchi's Farewell by Purcell on the chamber Organ in St John the Baptist Church, Tideswell.Watch here:
A comprehensive guide book to St John’s is available for purchase. Bernard O’ Sullivan has kindly donated his time and skills to produce the images for the book and Antony Pritchett, born and raised in Tideswell, has given his time, freely, in producing an excellent and well researched text, based on his own research. The Guide published by the ‘Friends of Saint John’s’ is priced at £8, and is on sale in the church. Get your new Guide while stock lasts.
A fresh treat from internationally acclaimed organist Jonathan Scott's visit to St John's on August 5th 2023. Use the link to watch and listen. We're looking forward to a further concert by Jonathan at Tideswell, and will keep you informed.Watch here:
In order to celebrate my 85th year and do something useful, I did a sponsored hang gliding flight to raise money for our church in Tideswell. The 700 year old St John's the Baptist church is known as the "Cathedral of the Peak" and is one of the largest churches in the Peak District. The church electric wiring is dangerous and is in urgent need of replacement, but such a big job will cost over £200,000, hence deciding to do something to help raise funds.Together with instructor Judy Leden MBE (who also lives in Tideswell) I was towed behind a microlight aircraft to over 2000 feet and then we released to glide for 20 minutes. Any sponsorship, even a small amount, will be greatly appreciated.