Join the Derby Diocese 2027 Community of Prayer

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Notices From_the_Vicar

Bishop Libby invites you to join a network of prayer across the Diocese of Derby as we look forward to our centenary in 2027 and commit ourselves to live out our vision day by day.

Register to join the 2027 Community of Prayer

- as an individual, and commit yourself to praying the Lord’s Prayer, the diocesan Vision Prayer and for those on the diocesan Cycle of Prayer every day

- as a church or group, and commit your worshipping context (in parish church, chaplaincy, BMO, fresh expression, church plant or other congregation) to praying the Lord’s Prayer, the diocesan Vision Prayer and for those on the diocesan Cycle of Prayer at least weekly

- as a school, and commit to praying the Lord’s Prayer, the diocesan Vision Prayer and for those on the diocesan Cycle of Prayer at least weekly in a collective act of worship.