Embracing Justice - a course for Lent and open to all


The course is based on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book for 2022 written by Isabelle Hamley – titled Embracing Justice – published by SPCK publishing – ISBN number 978 – 0 – 281 – 08654 – 2. It’s also available as an e-book.

The course will run over four weeks. Embracing Justice clearly envisages a course of six sessions – as a consequence two chapters will be put to one side for consideration at a later date – more later*.

The plan is as follows: –

9th March – 7 PM to 8:30 PM – Chapter 1 – Paradise lost – in search of original justice 

16th March – 7 PM to 8:30 PM – Chapter 2 – From bondage to freedom – Exodus and liberation stories 

30th March – 7 PM to 8:30 PM – Chapter 3 – Building communities of justice – Legal systems and community justice 

6th April – 7 PM to 8:30 PM – Chapter 5 – Justice in the shape of the cross 

 The publishers make this claim: – “Isabelle Hamley takes us on an exhilarating journey through Scripture to reflect on what justice means to God” 

They also claim: – “It reveals liberating and imaginative ways in which we may grow in discipleship together – and more fully reflect the justice, mercy and compassion of Christ in our lives.” 

The course will be provided by zoom – with thanks to Dorothy and Malcolm Hawton – details of the link are included in the covering email. 

Undoubtedly we all have views personal to each one of us concerning justice. Views grown from our own experience, and the communities that we have lived amongst. Isabelle’s approach is to discern through Scripture, and also experience, God’s intention for justice in the lives we lead and for the world in which we live.