Our church, along with every parish in the Church of England, is required to prepare a new Electoral Roll in 2025. This means that we are obliged to destroy our previous Electoral Roll records and to contact those people that were on the list to ensure that they are aware of this, and to offer the opportunity for them to complete a new form, to continue to have their details included.
Those currently on the roll will be contacted by Phillip Neal our Electoral Roll Officer but we also welcome new registrations from those not currently on the Electoral Roll.
Completed forms can be returned to Phillip by email or if you prefer by post or hand. Please note if sent by email you are not required to physically sign, but please type your name in the signature box, ensure you include your email address on the form, and that the same email address is used to send the form.
All forms must be returned by the 1st May ready for presentation to our Annual Parochial Church Meeting on the 21st May.