Diocese of Derby - message for March 2025 from Archdeacon Karen

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What are you noticing at the moment I wonder? Take a moment and think. Take a moment? I’m not sure how easy we find that. The culture, the habits and practices that surround us, the newsfeed, the pace and challenge of life can mean we get to the end of the day without ‘taking a moment’. 

Maybe as we ‘March’ out of winter however, we can resolve to do that, to pause, to notice and to be still. How? The created order can encourage us to do that I think as we notice signs of returning and new life, as the days lengthen and we (hopefully) see some blue sky. It can be a time to metaphorically lift our heads, to leave winter behind, to look up, and yes, to be still. 

 For most of this month we travel through Lent, which starts on March 5th, Ash Wednesday. ‘What are you giving up for Lent?’ is a question that is often asked amongst church communities (and wider) as we spend time in penitence and self-denial, both a reflection of Jesus’ time in the wilderness and a preparation for Holy Week and Easter. 

I want to suggest, in addition, that we consider taking something on for Lent, that we resolve to ‘Take a Moment’, that we choose to deliberately press the pause button, lift our heads to the light and be still. 

Why? Because in that place of stillness, God can draw close, we can become aware of His presence and we can breathe deeply of His light, love and hope. As we look up and breathe, the ‘things of earth can grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace’ (to quote an old chorus) and we can know the transforming work of God’s Spirit, helping us to turn away from the sin and mess that we’re all caught up in and changing us to be more like Jesus. 

What are you taking on for Lent? Take a moment, press pause and be still … 

The Venerable Karen Hamblin 
Archdeacon of East Derbyshire