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Parish Safeguarding Officer is Judith Ottewell and can be contacted on 07791936296.
On Monday, 1 July, IICSA will begin the final series of public hearings into safeguarding within the Church of England. July’s hearing will focus on how the Church of England currently manages safeguarding concerns, and we expect IICSA to publish a final report later this year. The Diocese of Derby is conscious that the work of the public inquiry may trigger memories and be traumatic for some individuals. Bishop Libby would like to reassure anyone who is affected by the content of the IICSA hearing that the Diocese will take seriously any concerns or information relating to safeguarding within the Church. Should you wish to talk to someone about this, the safeguarding team is available to work with you directly, or to signpost you to the most appropriate resource, and can be contacted on 01332 388678 or via this link: https://derby.anglican.org/en/safeguarding.html
national helpline - 0800 80 20 20 - operated independently from the church, by the NSPCC