What are you noticing at the moment I wonder? Take a moment and think. Take a moment? I’m not sure how easy we find that. The culture, the habits and practices that surround us, the newsfeed, the pace and challenge of life can mean we get to the end of the day without ‘taking a moment’. Maybe as we ‘March’ out of winter however, we can resolve to do that, to pause, to notice and to be still. How? The created order can encourage us to do that I think as we notice signs of returning and new life, as the days lengthen and we (hopefully) see some blue sky. It can be a time to metaphorically lift our heads, to leave winter behind, to look up, and yes, to be still. For most of this month we travel through Lent, which starts on March 5th, Ash Wednesday. ‘What are you giving up for Lent?’ is a question that is often asked amongst church communities (and wider) as we spend time in penitence and self-denial, both a reflection of Jesus’ time in the wilderness and a preparation for Holy Week and Easter. I want to suggest, in addition, that we consider taking something on for Lent, that we resolve to ‘Take a Moment’, that we choose to deliberately press the pause button, lift our heads to the light and be still. Why? Because in that place of stillness, God can draw close, we can become aware of His presence and we can breathe deeply of His light, love and hope. As we look up and breathe, the ‘things of earth can grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace’ (to quote an old chorus) and we can know the transforming work of God’s Spirit, helping us to turn away from the sin and mess that we’re all caught up in and changing us to be more like Jesus. What are you taking on for Lent? Take a moment, press pause and be still … The Venerable Karen Hamblin Archdeacon of East Derbyshire
Following the announcement from the Royal School of Church Music that 2025 will be ‘Play the organ year’, the church of All Saints, Youlgreave is delighted to announce that it wishes to appoint an organist and director of music. The role will include playing at up to three Sunday services per month plus special services (eg Christmas carol services), with a brief to build and lead a choir of local adults and children. We hope thereby to support the next generation of church musicians.Further details are available in the PDF advertisement on this page.
I hope you’ve had a joyful Christmas. I hope you have had opportunity to enjoy the celebration of Jesus’ birth with friends and family. I love this season following Christmas day which includes the festival of Epiphany, remembering the arrival of the wise men after their long journey. They brought their precious gifts to honour the child, though born in a simple stable, they knew to be a king. As we start a new calendar year, this church season from Christmas day to Candlemas (at the beginning of February) we have chance to think again about what difference Jesus makes to our lives. In the stories of the gospels, no one who met the Christ child was unchanged. Whoever they were, how ever they came to find him, their lives were transformed by the encounter. After meeting Jesus, the wise men went back to the places they had come from – but by a different route. They thought and behaved differently because they met Jesus. The past year has seen so much change globally, nationally, locally, for our church and, for many of us, personally. For some, perhaps for many, that has been difficult: we have all seen stories of violence and disaster and trauma and may have experienced it ourselves. I pray you may also have known times of peace and joy and love. After all the noise and business of December, when the parties are over and the decorations put away, we return to ‘life as usual’ among the people we share life with - at home, at work, at school, at leisure, in our street and community, in our churches. But, like the wise men, we too might choose to be and do all that differently because of Jesus. As we consider the Epiphany story, I wonder what it means for us. I wonder how you first heard of Jesus and what He means to you now? I wonder how you will honour Him through this coming year? In our churches across the diocese, we will be thinking again through the year how we respond to the good news of Jesus. How can we deepen our relationship with God, serve our local contexts, challenge injustice, and make new disciples – that others, in our generation, whoever they are and wherever they come from, may encounter Christ and be changed, for good. I pray this Christmas you, like the wise men, encountered Jesus, and that He is at the heart of a more loving, more joyful and more peaceful new year
The carol ‘It came upon a midnight clear’ is not my favourite, but two of its lines always jump out at me. The first is the reference to John Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’ – where Milton’s ‘wandering steps and slow’ in the carol become the ‘painful steps and slow’ of humanity struggling under ‘life’s crushing load’ along a ‘climbing way’. For many that’s just how they will be feeling as this Christmas approaches. Whether it’s personal problems, local, national or global politics, whether it’s the cruelties of war in Europe, the Middle East, or Africa, or whether it’s our painfully slow response to the climate emergency, we feel ill-equipped to face such challenges. None of us as individuals, and none of our national or global institutions – including the church – seem up to the job. But it’s a different line of the carol that intrigues me most, from the first verse of the carol ‘the world in solemn stillness lay’. It is that sense of waiting, of longing, longing for a story to be told and a song to be sung that cannot come from inside ourselves, but which, once heard, we find irresistible. Those three words stand out – world – solemn – stillness: This ‘world’ – reality as we know it is a planet set in one huge galaxy within an expanding universe 15 billion years old, where against extraordinary odds life came to be, evolving over time to produce humans capable of researching and reflecting on the meaning of existence. It is a world of intricate beauty and variety, nature terrifying in its capacity both for destruction and for renewal. This same real world we know as the place of our human struggle – and it is the world which ‘God so loved’ that he ‘sent his only begotten Son.’ (John 3.16) John unfolds the astonishing mystery that the very sense and meaning of this vast universe is fully expressed in the one born in Bethlehem and crucified at Calvary. The Word, the one who gives meaning to it all, made flesh, made accessible, recognisable to us. One of us. One with us. Solemnity follows. ‘The world in solemn stillness lay….’ For all the welcome festive jollification of food and drink and presents and merriment, the incarnation of the word of God is serious stuff. Our journey through Advent helps us explore some solemn themes – not least the four last things, Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell. Change the language if we must, but these themes serve as the writing on the wall to much of our way of life. ‘Weighed in the balance and found wanting’ (Daniel 5.27) is not a text with which to point the finger at others, it stands as a warning to ourselves. We could and should be better than we are. And if the future is to be better, so we must be. The solemn truth is that in Jesus God did not reach out from afar to touch the world to make it better, he became one of us, ‘making himself nothing, taking the form of a servant.’ (Philippians 2.7) Let’s not bypass the solemnity of Advent. Then, at last, comes ‘stillness’. Not a soporific stillness, but the stillness of waiting in anticipation. Alert. This is how we are to await the song of God’s love, the song of the angels. It is an uncomfortable waiting, because we know we are not ready. And we know that however much we know already, there is so much more to be discovered, so much more to learn. When I pray, it is when the words and busy thoughts give way to this stillness that I know God is doing what only God can do. On God alone my soul in stillness waits…. (Psalm 62.1) Rowan Williams writes in his book ‘Being Disciples’ about how birdwatching is a bit like prayer. A twitcher will watch and wait in stillness for that ‘Kingfisher moment’ when a glorious flash of blue and orange shoots by. Such are those moments when we begin to see and know and love the God who always sees and knows and loves us. So worth waiting for. I waited recently not to see a Kingfisher, but a Bittern – rarer still, but spectacular not for its outstanding colours, but for the camouflage that makes it almost invisible amongst the reedbeds. Hiding in plain sight. Open our eyes, O Lord, that we may see the wonders of your love. Amen.