Related Churches
All Saints Church, Youlgreave
Welcome to All Saints Church in Youlgreave, Derbyshire.
All Saints is the Church of England Parish Church for Youlgreave, within the Diocese of Derby and is part of The Youlgreave Benefice of parishes together with Middleton-by-Youlgreave, Stanton in Peak and Birchover.
Our Church is open daily from 9:15am till 4:00pm summer 3:00pm in winter and you are always welcome to join us for worship at one of our services details of which can be found on our Services and Events page. For information on service times for all churches across the Youlgreave Benefices please visit the relevant church website - links to which can be found here.
See our News and notices page for regular updates on news and upcoming events.
If you would like any information or guidance about any life event service - christening, adult baptism, confirmation, wedding or funeral at our church, please visit our Life Events page.
Information on our bells and bell ringing can be found here.
We welcome contributions to help us maintain our church. If you wish to donate, this can be done online via our homepage below.
Should you have any questions or requests, contact details can be found on our About Us page or alternatively please complete the online form on our Get In Touch page.
Information on Safeguarding can be found further down our home page.
St Michael & All Angels Church, Middleton-by-Youlgrave
Welcome to St Michael & All Angels Church, Middleton-by-Youlgrave, Derbyshire.
St Michael & All Angels is the Church of England Parish Church for Church, Middleton-by-Youlgrave, within the Diocese of Derby and is part of The Youlgrave benefice of parishes together with Youlgrave, Stanton in Peak and Birchover.
Our Church is open only during service times and you are always welcome to join us for worship at one of our services details of which can be found on our Services and Events page. For information on service times for all churches across the Youlgrave Benefice please visit the relevant church website - links to which can be found here.
See our News and notices page for regular updates on news and upcoming events.
If you would like any information or guidance about any life event service - christening, adult baptism, confirmation, wedding or funeral at our church, please visit our Life Events page.
Should you have any questions or requests, contact details can be found on our About Us page or alternatively please complete the online form on our Get In Touch page.
Information on Safeguarding can be found further down our home page.
St Michael's Church, Birchover
Welcome to St Michael's Church, Birchover, Derbyshire.
St Michael's is the Church of England Parish Church for Birchover, within the Diocese of Derby and is part of The Youlgrave Benefice of parishes together with Youlgrave, Middleton-by-Youlgrave and Stanton-in-Peak.
You are always welcome to join us for worship at one of our services details of which can be found on our Services and Events page. For information on service times for all churches across the Youlgrave Benefice please visit the relevant church website - links to which can be found here.
See our News and notices page for regular updates on news and upcoming events.
If you would like any information or guidance about any life event service - christening, adult baptism, confirmation, wedding or funeral at our church, please visit our Life Events page.
Should you have any questions or requests, contact details can be found on our About Us page or alternatively please complete the online form on our Get In Touch page.
Information on Safeguarding can be found further down our home page.
Location information
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Most churches are “Excepted Charities” and are therefore not registered with the Charity Commission. You can download a PDF that includes your church name, address and church code. This PDF, which is an extract from the Church of England’s database of churches, can serve as a certificate for churches requiring proof of their charity status when registering for online and card-based giving. Click on the download button below and log into your account. Once logged in, click on the download button and the certificate will be downloaded straight to your device. If you do not have an account, you can register here.