Welcome to the Peak PilgrimagesThe team from Eyam Church arranged the Peak Pilgrimage route through the White Peak from Ilam to Eyam in 2015. Then in 2020 the same team set up the Hope Pilgrimage route through the Hope Valley and the Dark Peak from Edale to Eyam. The Hope Pilgrimage is slightly shorter and much hillier than its older sister but they both operate on the same principles – a marvellous walk through the best bits of Derbyshire meandering from church to church and pub to café, reflecting on life and glorying in creation, while collecting stamps and sticky back Bible verses from the churches. Each pilgrimage has its own Guidebook, available to purchase on this website. Pick either one or, indeed, do the two together by starting with the Peak Pilgrimage and continuing through Eyam to Edale. What will you choose? Click on the website below and read on………..https://www.peakpilgrimage.org.uk/
With families finding it harder to make ends meet food banks are a life line for more and more of them. Recognizing that there are struggling families, we have a food collection box in the church for the Grace Food Bank in Sheffield. This is their websitehttps://www.gracefoodbanksheffield.org.uk/Dry goods such as Breakfast Cereal, Instant Mashed potato, Microwave rice, Tinned fish, Pasta Sauce, Fruit Squash/Fruit Juice, UHT Milk, Laundry Powder/Capsules, Toilet Roll, Biscuits would be appreciated.Donations can be placed in the box inside the church to the right - the church is open every day. See the church warden Janice Hill for more details.
Messy church has arrived in Hathersage. We have had several wonderfull sessions with lots of hands on activities - telling Bible stories, singing, praying and sharing a meal together - all free! More details can be found on https://www.messychurch.org.uk/ We hope to meet once a month at the Hathersage Methodist Hall, usually Sunday at 4pm, finish by 6. Please email hathersagemessychurch@gmail.com for more details