Celtic Worship

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
Moves around the Benefice churches

Celtic style worship, taking place outdoors for most of the year, and focused on finding God in the world around us.
Location moves around the benefice, usually in the grounds of one of our churches.
We move indoors during the winter months (and if the weather is very inclement), but still use a Celtic style worship.
Always includes time for individual, themed exploration of the surroundings.
For more details, contact Rev'd Louise.

Locations for the next few services will be:
October - Hope Churchyard
November - Castleton (indoors)
December - Bradwell
January - No Celtic worship service
February - Bradwell
March - Hope

Said Communion

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 40 mins

Shared communion rotating around the three benefice churches.
October - Hope
November - Bradwell
December - No 4 pm said Communion
January - Hope
February - Bradwell
March - Castleton

St B,s Baby Group Tuesdays 10-11-30am

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Barnabas Church
St Barnabas Church

St B’s Baby Group runs every Tuesday in term time, 10-11.30 for babies up to 2 years and their carers. Lots of toys for the children to play with, time for you to chat and have a coffee and biscuit and relax. £1 per family group to cover costs.
We look forward to seeing you!

United Service with Edale

Monthly. Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour

Communion service rotating around the 4 churches of Bradwell, Castleton, Hope and Edale.
Locations for 2024 and 2025 are
Dec 29th 2024 - Covenant service at Edale
March 30th 2025 - Mothering Sunday services at separate churches
June 29th - Hope
August 31st - Castleton
November 30th - Bradwell
December 28th 2025 - Covenant service at Edale

All-age worship

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 40 mins
St Barnabas
Church Street Bradwell, S33 9HJ, United Kingdom

Every first Sunday of the month
Our most informal and interactive service, using the screen in church, though orders of service are available for those who wish.
Although we don't have many children, families are always welcome, and we don't mind at all if the children are noisy. There are toys available for preschool children.

Benefice Communion

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour

Shared communion rotating around the three churches in the Benefice.
October - Castleton
November - No Benefice Communion - Remembrance services
December - Bradwell
January - Castleton
February - Hope
March - Bradwell

Holy Communion

Every Third Sunday at for 50 mins
St Barnabas
Church Street Bradwell, S33 9HJ, United Kingdom

St Barnabas is part of the Hope, Castleton and Bradwell Benefice
Traditional Holy Communion service, followed by refreshments.
Everyone welcome