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Letter from the Vicar
Dear Friends
A recent poll following the news of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s retirement reported that over 40% of those asked either didn’t know who he was or that there was such a post. Over 70% felt that the Church of England was irrelevant to their lives and experiences and had nothing to offer or say that would make any impact upon their lives. As a priest and member of the C of E it reminded me of the importance that whilst I believe in a God of love, healing, compassion, peace, reconciliation and life, the local church exists for those who are not members of it, and who in times of need, sorrow, joy and thanksgiving, can through the love, care, support and ministry of people of faith, discover and know God’s strength, comfort, peace and presence.
The Season of Advent that leads to Christmas and then to The Epiphany offers the opportunity to engage with the meaning of Christmas and to allow ourselves to reflect on the reason for the season as we embrace traditions and memories of past Christmas school nativity plays, carol singing, visiting Santa and how and who we have spent (and may continue to do so) Christmas Day with.
Whether we have a faith, or not, or are interested to know more in order to come to a decision, or enjoy the moment for what it holds for us before it is gone, this time of the year speaks to us of hope, promise, relationship, goodwill and love. Advent collects together important themes of looking forward to a time when all things will be gathered up in God’s presence, when righteousness, truth, justice, light, peace and reconciliation will prevail and wars will cease, tears will be wiped away, and people will walk in peace that passes all understanding.
Advent points to this beginning when God comes to earth and takes human flesh, being born in poverty, becoming a refugee, in order to identify with the suffering, the poor and vulnerable, as well as the powerful and influential. Christmas celebrates God’s gift of life being shared and offered for all people and the exchange of our presents, greetings and celebration of parties etc. with family and friends are a reminder of God allowing us to see the image of the divine everytime we look into one another’s eyes and notice friend and stranger.
We are all familiar with the story of the Birth of Christ and all who were part of this, ordinary people who did extraordinary things through the invitation, power, encouragement and will of God. The Epiphany- the visit of the Magi (Wise People) symbolise the sharing of the light of God shining into the darkest places of people’s hearts, minds, lives and situations to offer hope, comfort and reassurance that nobody should ever feel alone, abandoned, neglected or rejected if we love one another generously, courageously, compassionately and without condition. They gifts they offered the Christ Child are symbols of seeing that all power comes from God and the wealth we may enjoy is only true wealth when it is shared and used wisely and justly.
The Christian belief is that Jesus came to save people from the consequence of sin, restore them in God’s image and draw them into God’s eternal presence to love and be loved forever. This will only be achieved through sacrifice on a cross in order to bring life through Easter.
The Church to be relevant, to have any meaning, and to be true to the call to share God’s good news of love, exists for those who are not members, but who one day we pray, will become part of God’s family and know how precious you are all in his sight and love. Part of this call as God’s people, the Church, is to share in your Christmas and enable you to rejoice, sing, reflect and enjoy the meaning of this season and as we move into a New Year not only to resolve to make it better than 2024 for ourselves and others, but how we might keep and make real the pledge to be kind, thoughtful, peaceful, loving and generous in our care for all of our neighbours wherever they are within the world.
Happy Christmas. With love. Canon Tony
Canon Tony’s last Service as Vicar before retirement will be on Sunday 27th April 2025.