After the flood, the church is open again! However, there are many months of work still to be done on the church building; we have ordered a new organ, but it will need a plinth to raise it above future flood water; we will also need a new heating boiler, new sound system and speakers, some major work on the electrics, and the Georgian tiles in the sanctuary area require repair and restoration. Sadly, our church hall remains closed as work has not yet begun on the major restoration work.

That said, we are very pleased that we have been able to resume our 11am Sunday services as follows:

16th June Holy Communion Revd. Harold Dobbin

23rd June Iona Prayer Diana Marshall, Reader

30th June Morning Prayer Diana Marshall, Reader

7th July Celtic Prayer Diana Marshall, Reader

14th July Holy Communion Revd. Jim Gray

21st July Holy Communion Ven. Andie Brown

28th July Iona Prayer Diana Marshall, Reader

All are welcome, so please do come and join us!