The 4th round of advertising for our next Priest-in-Charge received one application.  The post was advertised as part-time and permanent, with a secure home in the Vicarage on Coast Hill.

The applicant has been invited for interview and the interview is scheduled for a date in the month of July.

We continue to be confident that God already knows that special person who He has chosen to be our next leader in this Benefice, but, as a congregation of human beings, we continue to be disappointed (and somewhat confused) about the length of time that we remain in vacancy.  Please pray for our selection panel from the benefice, that they will be trusting (and listening to) our God who knows us all so well and receive the wisdom of the Holy Spirit during the whole interview process!

Thank you for your continuing prayer support for the Church Councils in this Benefice, and especially for our churchwardens at this time.  Watch this space for further news!