Alpha is a course that creates a space where people can explore the basics of the Christian faith and join a conversation about faith, life and God.An Alpha course is starting on 13 January 2025, every Monday evening from 77-9pm. It’s free and will be held at either The Vicarage (19 Coast Hill) or at Crich Wesley Chapel. It will last for 8-10 weeks upon the course members’ wishes.If you’d like to sign up for the course, please contact Rev Jo Honour ( Mobile: 07902 111253
Ex-officio: Incumbent (Vacancy) Dennis Hooton (Treasurer + Reader – Readers are ex-officio by ruling of the PCC) Di Fretwell (Reader + Deanery Rep) – Readers are ex-officio by ruling of the PCC) Lynn Penson (churchwarden) Jo Morton (churchwarden) Hardwick Deanery rep - vacancy Elected and/or re-elected: The following elected membership of our PCC was approved unanimously (Our electoral roll numbers permit us to have 9 elected members): Deirdre Offord (2024) Sophie Barnes (2024) Martyn Offord (2024) Alison Mansfield (2025) Justin Mansfield (2025) James Hancox (2025) Lynda Gray (2026) Sarah Iserloh (2026) One vacancy (2026)
Our church was buzzing with the joy and laughter of 37 children with their adults all beavering away on craft activities that helped them understand the true meaning of Easter. The morning ended with a short worship service.<br>Alan Richmond took loads of pictures…this one is the first of many! Watch this space!