Books about St Mary's

Published in 2023 in commemoration of St Mary's 900th anniversary as a collegiate church, Faire and Goodly Built was written by our Church Historian, Tim Clark. It tells the story of St Mary's from the foundation of the college until the church’s rebuilding after a disastrous fire in 1694. It will appeal to those interested in St Mary's or the history of Warwick, but also in the history of the late medieval period, Reformation and Civil War, as it plots the patronage of the church by a powerful Beauchamp family, and the challenges faced by a church through these times. It has 76 images, most in colour. 249 pp. plus glossary, further reading and index. Copies are available from St Mary's, price £25 hardback, £20 paperback.

Faire and Goodly Built book cover, JPG
