Styles of Worship

We offer a range and variety of services, mostly traditional in style. Our worship on weekdays and Sundays includes choral services with robed choirs (boys, girls and adults) accompanied by organ, and said acts of worship. We hold a number of civic services for the Warwickshire county throughout the year. Please refer to the Weekly Newsletter for the latest information on services. Our weekly services are:

Said Eucharist: Sunday (08:00) and Wednesday (10:00)

The Eucharist is the same as Holy Communion, Mass or The Lord’s Supper, which are different ways of describing the same service. It is the service in which Christians follow Jesus’ command to his disciples to share bread and wine in remembrance of him. The service includes Bible readings and prayers, as well as the sharing of consecrated bread and wine, and everyone is sent out at the end to live and work to the praise and glory of God. All are welcome at the service and if you don’t usually receive communion, you may still come forward to the Celebrant for a prayer of blessing at that point of the service. The service usually lasts for around 40 minutes

Choral Eucharist: Sunday (10:30)

A Choral Eucharist is the same as a Eucharist, except with the addition of organ music and choral pieces, hymns in which the congregation joins the singing, and a sermon. This usually takes place on Sunday mornings and at other times on special festival days. When our Choirs are on holiday or away, St Mary's Scholars often sing at these services, which usually last for one hour. Everyone is invited to stay for tea and coffee after the service.

Choral Matins: Fifth Sunday in the month (10:30)

Choral Matins is a service in which a choir with organ accompaniment, sings composed settings of the responses, psalms, canticles and anthems. The service includes a sermon and congregational hymns, but, for the majority of the service the congregation participates through listening. The service usually lasts for around one hour.

Choral Evensong: Sunday, Wednesday and Friday (all start at 17:30)

Choral Evensong  has a particular choral style that is unique to the Anglican Church. Its originates from the sung liturgies of monastic communities of the early centuries of the church’s life, and the service follows the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. The service includes organ music and a choir which sings verses from scripture, psalms, biblical songs (canticles) and an anthem. When our Choirs are on holiday or away, St Mary's Scholars or a visiting choir often sing at evensong. The service usually lasts for around 40 minutes.