Night Prayer (Compline) in Lent - online only

Every Thursday at for 20 mins
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
, United Kingdom

This reflective monastic service is online-only and is live-streamed via Zoom. To take part, or just watch, send a message via Facebook Messenger to All Saints' Church Leamington Spa. For the words please use the Church of England Daily Prayer app on your phone, or click the 'More Info' button below, and select Night Prayer.

Morning Worship (online only)

Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at for 15 mins
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

This service is online-only, to our restricted Facebook group 'Worship at All Saints Church Leamington Spa'. For access go to and request to join.
For the words please see 'Prayer During the Day' on the Church of England's 'Time to Pray' app, or on its Daily Prayer website (click More Info below).

Lunchtime Prayers

Every Friday at for 20 mins
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

An opportunity to stop, reflect, and pray on Friday lunchtimes, every week except the week after Christmas Day, on Good Friday and in Easter Week. It takes place in the calm of our Lady Chapel, where a HEPA air purifier helps to reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission.

Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

This said service takes place in the Lady Chapel, where a HEPA air purifier helps to minimise risk of Covid-19 infection. The service can normally be followed remotely as it is live-streamed and recorded via Facebook (click 'Join online' below and select the appropriate live post or video). The readings are circulated to those on our email list.

Parish Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

Please come to this service in church. Children welcome.
Usually our robed choir leads the music, except at half-term, immediately after Easter and Christmas and during August when the service is said, with hymns and often a congregational setting of the Gloria.

Choral Evensong

Sunday 16 March 2025 at for 1 hour
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

Cathedral-style service on major festivals and (usually) one Sunday of each month during university term. The timeless words of the Book of Common Prayer are used, with the responses, psalm, canticles and an anthem sung by our choir, as well as hymns and an organ voluntary. If you come early you may be able to join us for a cup of tea before the service.

Gardening group in the Churchyard

Tuesday 11 February 2025, Tuesday 25 February 2025, Tuesday 04 March 2025, Tuesday 11 March 2025, Tuesday 18 March 2025, Tuesday 25 March 2025 at for 2 hours
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

Do come and join this group of volunteers, led by non-profit organisation ARC-CIC, helping to turn our churchyard into an inviting space for peaceful enjoyment by local people. Meets weekly during the growing season, and fortnightly in winter. Open to all.

Fortnightly to March 2025, then weekly

Midweek Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

This said service takes place in the calm of the Lady Chapel, where a HEPA air purifier helps to minimise risk of Covid-19 infection. It is normally live-streamed and recorded via Facebook - click the 'Join online' button below for remote access.

Parish Communion on Mothering Sunday (NB Clocks change!)

for 1 hour, 15 mins
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

A family-friendly choral Communion service on this day of respite from Lenten fasting, when in medieval times people would traditionally visit their 'mother church' where they had been baptised. Nowadays we celebrate mothers and motherhood, especially Mary as mother of Jesus.

Palm Sunday Eucharist with Procession

for 1 hour, 15 mins
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

Marking Jesus's entry into Jerusalem to the Hosannas of palm-waving citizens, this service includes a procession - outside if weather permits - of people with palm crosses and (probably) real palm branches grown nearby, as well as a dramatised account of the Passion events from St Luke's Gospel.

The Maundy Eucharist

for 1 hour, 15 mins
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

We remember the washing of the disciples' feet, the Last Supper and the betrayal of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Eucharist is followed by the Stripping of the Altars with a musical setting of words from the Book of Lamentations, and then the Watch with silent prayer and Bible readings in the Lady Chapel.

Stations of the Cross

for 45 mins
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

We follow Jesus through the hours leading up to his death - for our sins - on the Cross.

Good Friday service

for 2 hours
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

Readings, music, prayers.
Please come for the first hour, and stay afterwards for a while if you can.

Easter Ceremonies

for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

Easter fire, lighting of candles and renewal of baptismal vows.

Easter Eucharist

for 1 hour, 15 mins
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

A joyful, family-friendly Parish Communion service celebrating Jesus Christ's Resurrection.

Choral Evensong

Sunday 20 April 2025 at for 1 hour
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa, Victoria Terrace Leamington Spa, CV31 1AA, United Kingdom

Cathedral-style service on major festivals and (usually) one Sunday of each month during university term. The timeless words of the Book of Common Prayer are used, with the responses, psalm, canticles and an anthem sung by our choir, as well as hymns and an organ voluntary.