Although we should be thankful all year round, there is something for me about the season of autumn that makes me feel more thankful. Maybe it’s seeing combine harvesters in the fields, getting stuck behind more tractors on the roads (!) and crops being gathered in that reminds me to be thankful. Being thankful for creation and thankful to farmers across the globe that provide our food, I’m reminded of a verse in Psalm 67, ‘The land yields its harvest; God our God blesses us.’Autumn is a season of thanksgiving, a season of praise and a season to share God’s love with others in the food donated and then shared with others. Obviously we can do this all year round!, but autumn has traditionally been a time to take stock of all that God has provided.Normally, at a Harvest Festival Service, we often explore topics such as creation, how we should care for it and each other, or the fruitfulness of the earth. At St James Church, we will be celebrating Harvest in two ways this year. We will be having a Harvest Supper on Saturday 19th October with musical entertainment. Please see the end of this article for more info and how to book. Then the following morning as part of our Sunday service we will celebrate Harvest and bring donations to give to Southam Foodbank to share with others. Refreshments from 9:45, service at 10:15 (See suggested donation list below)Being thankful is an important part of life. As children, we are encouraged to say please and thankful. These short words are marks of respect and reflect the relationships that we have with each other and that we value the gifts that relationships bring.That’s how it works with us as people, but that’s also how it works with God. God’s very nature is one of love, of generosity, and of provision. Often though we forget to say thank you to Him. We take Him and His gifts for granted. We sometimes forget to say thank you when life is going well and sometimes we struggle to find things to say thank you for when life is tough. But the Bible tells us ‘to give thanks in ALL circumstances and not to worry.’ We don’t have to give thanks FOR all circumstances, but IN all circumstances. That can be areal challenge in day to day life! So are you ready for the challenge? Have a thankful autumn!VikkiHARVEST SUPPER with musical accompaniment: Saturday October 19th at 7pm at St James Church. Pre booking essential. Tickets £10 from St James Church Office 01926 812413 or 07768 090178.
What’s in a name?For the past few days, I’ve been thinking a lot about names. Maybe it’s because of hearing all of the names read out at the Remembrance Sunday service and reflecting that behind each name was someone’s loved one. After the service, people came into St James to look at the displays of poppies and they lit candles. Each flickering flame representing their loved one known to them by name. During December, the ‘When Christmas Hurts’ tree will gradually fill with baubles representing loved ones who we miss or a situation that we find hard. At the quieter more reflective ‘When Christmas Hurts’ service (Saturday 17th December at 3pm) we’ll read names of those we’ve lost and light candles for loved ones and situations too. In the Bible, Psalm 112 says ‘Even in darkness, light dawns’ and in the Gospel of John chapter 1 verse 5, the Bible says, ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ Light brings us hope in the dark times, and that light is Jesus. We know that at times our world can seem a very dark place. That very first Christmas, Jesus (meaning Saviour) was born into a violent, oppressive, and dark world, but he brings hope as the Light of the World. In the carols that we sing together, lots of different names are used for Jesus - Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counsellor, Saviour, Lamb of God, Son of God, Redeemer, and lots more. My favourite name for Jesus is ‘Immanuel’ which means God with us, because that’s been my experience through the highs and lows of life and I’ve seen it in lots of other peoples’ lives too. No matter what we go through, God is in it with us. So my prayer for each of you this month is that you know the light of the Christ child this Christmas. Blessings, Vikki PS I mentioned the Poppy Displays and I want to say thank you to Southam Mothers Union and their wonderful knitter friends who created the beautiful, poignant displays in and out of St James. They were greatly appreciated by many, so thank you for bringing people together!