About Us


St James Church is the Church of England parish church of the town of Southam, situated eight miles to the east of Royal Leamington Spa in Warwickshire. This friendly church has a variety of Sunday services and various weekday meetings and groups as well as a midweek Communion service. You are very welcome to come and visit. We aim to reach our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ by being continuously renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit. We invite you not only to explore this site/Facebook/Instagram, but also to come and meet us! We have a weekly Sunday gathering with refreshments from 9:45 and the service beginning at 10:15. 

For anyone unable to come for whatever reason, pre-recorded services are usually uploaded each week to our YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/SouthamstjamesYouTube and the link to the weekly service is emailed out each week with news of events. If you’d like to be added to the circulation list or have any queries please contact Rev Vikki… 

T: 07983 402614 or E: [email protected]