for 5 days, 16 hours
St. Esprit Church, Marton
North Street Marton RUGBY, CV23 9RJ, United Kingdom

Welcome to our Holy Week and Easter Special services. See below for details:
Monday March 25th. 7pm. Compline Evening service at St. Esprit, Marton.
Tuesday March 26th. 7pm. Compline Evening service at Holy Trinity, Long Itchington.
Wednesday 27th March. 7pm. Tenebrae Evening service at St. Esprit Church.
Maundy Thursday. 7pm. Holy Communion at Holy Trinity, Long Itchington.
Good Friday. 2pm. Stations of the Cross beginning at 2pm by the Pond in Long Itchington and finishing at Hly Trinity about 3pm.
EASTER DAY at St. Esprit. 8.30am Easter Celebration service starting in Churchyard at 8.30am followed by Holy Communion and breakfast

St. Esprit Church, Marton

Welcome to the parish of Marton: St Esprit church is dedicated to the Holy Spirit, and is the only 'St Esprit' in England as far as we know! The church has regionally significant wall mounted metal plaques decorated with hand painted biblical texts.

Revd Canon Richard Suffern is Priest in Charge of Holy Trinity, Long Itchington and of St Esprit, Marton. Richard works on a half time basis, usually Sunday - Wednesday morning.

We gather for worship every Sunday in St Esprit Church at 11.00am, for service start at 11.15am.  We have a service of Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, with an all age service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.

On the first Sunday of the month we host the Southam Deanery “In the Spirit” service, which is an informal, contemporary, lay-led, lively service with a worship band and challenging message.  We gather for the service at 6.00pm with worship starting at 6.30pm. 

Everyone is very welcome to attend any of our services. We usually have free refreshments available at all our services.

Get in touch

What's on


for 5 days, 16 hours
St. Esprit Church, Marton
North Street Marton RUGBY, CV23 9RJ, United Kingdom

Welcome to our Holy Week and Easter Special services. See below for details:
Monday March 25th. 7pm. Compline Evening service at St. Esprit, Marton.
Tuesday March 26th. 7pm. Compline Evening service at Holy Trinity, Long Itchington.
Wednesday 27th March. 7pm. Tenebrae Evening service at St. Esprit Church.
Maundy Thursday. 7pm. Holy Communion at Holy Trinity, Long Itchington.
Good Friday. 2pm. Stations of the Cross beginning at 2pm by the Pond in Long Itchington and finishing at Hly Trinity about 3pm.
EASTER DAY at St. Esprit. 8.30am Easter Celebration service starting in Churchyard at 8.30am followed by Holy Communion and breakfast


The parish of Marton: St Esprit Church is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults from harm. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer, PSO, working with the Benefice Safeguarding Officer. Our Diocese of Coventry’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advises our PSO. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority’s Children or Adults Services