Safeguarding - 1 - Promoting a safer Church

At St Esprit Church, Marton we do our utmost to ensure that everyone on our premises is kept safe. All staff and volunteers working with children and vulnerable adults undergo a safer recruitment process and an enhanced DBS disclosure.

We expect them to be fully conversant with the safeguarding policy. As a church, we have adopted the Church of England’s safeguarding ‘Promoting a safer church’ policy.

If you have any concerns or queries about children or adults in the church, either that they are suffering harm, or are causing harm to others please contact the safeguarding officer for Long Itchington & Marton, Mrs Sally Shillitoe on tel. no. 01926 813423 email or please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team on 024 7652 1345.

UDR02228_-_promoting_a_safer_church_CV3Mzo6, PDF
