Afternoon Refreshments when Shuckburgh Hall open

Saturday 19 April 2025 at for 2 hours
Lower Shuckburgh - St. John Baptist
Southam/Daventry Rd. Lower Shuckburgh Daventry, NN11 6DY, United Kingdom

Lower Shuckburgh Church will be open for refreshments on days allocated below that Shuckburgh Hall will be open to visit

Only on 19/4 and Saturday’s 2-4pm from beginning of June, will Lower Shuckburgh church be open 2-4

BCP Service with Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Lower Shuckburgh - St. John Baptist
Southam/Daventry Rd. Lower Shuckburgh Daventry, NN11 6DY, United Kingdom

Our BCP service with Holy Communion, takes place on the 4th Sunday morning of the month, at 9 am
The bell is rung at 8.30am to welcome you in!
Refreshments and cake afterwards!