Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities

There is parking on the road outside the church and some surrounding roads.

Accessible Toilet
Ramped entrance

Our Building

The church is open between 10-4 (it may be closed a little earlier in winter months).

Ettington Church has its Bronze Eco Church award and is currently working towards the Silver award.

Listed Building

Music and Worship

The acoustics in our church are wonderful for live music. We've had a few performances over the years and we're always up for talking to any artist or band who fancies performing here.

We are led to believe by experts who use it that our organ is not only particularly beautiful but is also rather tricky to play. Much work has been done on the organ in recent years to ensure its preservation for years to come.

Book of Common Prayer Services

Groups, Courses and Activities

The Bible study group meets on a Wednesday evening from 7.30-9pm in each other's homes. September 2018 also saw the launch of the Bible Book Club. This meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 1.30-2.30pm in Ettington Church. Both of these activities are subject to occasional changes so contact Jane Evans on 07802 348309 for more information.

Help for Visitors

Free wifi
Guidebooks / Notes

Church is open daily from 10am-4pm (we may close slightly earlier in darker months).

Other Features

There is a foodbank donation point in the church and all goods received are passed to the local foodbank.

Ettington Church is available for use by local organisations. We don't charge a hire rate but would ask for a donation to cover the cost of lighting and heating. Contact the churchwarden Phil Knight on 07886 126098.