Parish Magazine - Village Voices

The Parish Magazine for Barford, Sherbourne and Wasperton is called Village Voices.  It is produced every month with eleven issues per year (a combined one for December/January).

The magazine contains reports and information relating to the three churches and all the main organisations and clubs in the three parishes.  These include Barford Village Shop, St. Peter's Primary School, the Residents Association, the Womens Institute, the King George Recreation Field and the Joint Parish Council.  It also contains information on forthcoming events in the three villages and carries a number of advertisements from local businesses and tradespeople - a very useful local directory.

The magazine is delivered free to every household in the three villages normally just before the start of the month.

The copy deadline is the 10th of each month. All copy should be sent to the editorial team at e-mail: [email protected]

If you would like to advertise in the magazine please contact our Advertising Coordinator by e-mail to [email protected] or by calling 01926 6241176.  Current advertising rates for a full year are £70 for a ⅛ page, £125 for ¼ page or £220 for a ½ page.  Advertisements can be placed for shorter periods on request.

To view copies of the current and past magazines in a pdf viewer, please click on this link:
(click on the Archive menu item at the bottom of the page to view past issues).