Facilities and features
Accessible toilet located in our Church Hall.
Our Building
Silver Award, working towards Gold
We are a designated Warm Hub open for 2 hours on a Wednesday morning from 10am.
Grade 1 Listed
Music and Worship
Practice Thursday evening from 6.30pm
Occasional concerts
Groups, Courses and Activities
Second Tuesday of each month 2-3 p.m.
Various activities take place within our Church Hall, some on a weekly basis e.g. Choir Group and others on an occasional basis. These iclude wellness sessions, craft workshops etc.
4th Sunday of the Month at 3.30 p.m.
Help for Visitors
Daily from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.
Other Features
One of our members is the local organiser of Fairtrade. We use Fairtrade products where possible.
We have a collection box in Church for people to leave donations which are then taken to the Foodbank in Stratford
Our small Church Hall is available for hire at £15 per hour.