Facilities and features


Accessible toilet located in our Church Hall.

Accessible Toilet
Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop

Our Building

Silver Award, working towards Gold

We are a designated Warm Hub open for 2 hours on a Wednesday morning from 10am.

Grade 1 Listed

Music and Worship

Practice Thursday evening from 6.30pm

Occasional concerts

Book of Common Prayer Services

Groups, Courses and Activities

Second Tuesday of each month 2-3 p.m.

Various activities take place within our Church Hall, some on a weekly basis e.g. Choir Group and others on an occasional basis. These iclude wellness sessions, craft workshops etc.

4th Sunday of the Month at 3.30 p.m.

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes

Daily from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.

Other Features

One of our members is the local organiser of Fairtrade. We use Fairtrade products where possible.

We have a collection box in Church for people to leave donations which are then taken to the Foodbank in Stratford

Our small Church Hall is available for hire at £15 per hour.