

Do you like to be surprised? I suppose it depends on what kind of surprise it is.

We experience unpleasant surprises when we hear of the sudden death of a person who had been so well, the collapse of a business, or suddenly finding oneself out of work.

On the other hand, we all love good surprises. The unexpected arrival of friends we haven’t seen for a long time, a surprise birthday party, the announcement of a pregnancy, or a lottery win.

What a surprise it must have been for Peter and his partners, fishermen on lake Galilee, when on a night that had been very bad for fishing they landed the biggest haul they had had ever caught – and all because Jesus had suddenly appeared and told them to cast their nets on the other side – where they had already tried to no avail!.

All these fish even when the fish weren't biting.

Peter was an expert fisherman and knew what this miracle implied. He fell at Jesus’ feet, recognising that he was in the presence of God. Peter had a deep sense of his unworthiness. He exclaimed, "Go away from me, Lord! I am a sinful man!"

Then he was hit with a second surprise. Peter, the rough, tough, loud talking, direct speaking, pig-headed fisherman, became the first to be called as one of Jesus’ disciples. He had no special training, no qualifications, in fact, he regarded himself as completely unworthy to be even in Jesus’ presence. He expected to hear Jesus’ anger at being so faithless, but instead he heard those loving words of forgiveness and commission – "Don't be afraid; from now on you will be catching people."

Just as Peter was surprised by the big haul of fish in spite of the seemingly unfavourable conditions, God still surprises us today with the plans he has for our lives. Even when we, like Peter, say, "It won't work because I have been there and done that before." Or perhaps we say, "I can’t do this – I’m too young, or too old, too busy, too inexperienced…..." Don’t be too shocked when God surprises you with what he can do when we listen to what He says to us, believe his promises and obey his Word.

I can't say in what form God’s surprises will come. Maybe using your gifts in ways you had never imagined before. Maybe giving time to someone or some cause that you had never entered your head until you were challenged. But whatever the situation that comes up, we just need to ask God to give us the faith, the humility and the boldness to do whatever is necessary to further the work of His kingdom.

Do that and you won’t fail to be surprised at the results.

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