From the Reverend


Dear Friends

As we approach midsummer in the glorious month of June , we delight in the fulness of God’s creation: birds singing , bees buzzing and flowers displaying a multitude of colors, and as followers of Jesus we move into a new season of the Church’s year .

On a sunny afternoon last month we sat in the garden and listened to the bells of St Nicholas ringing for the Feast of Ascension and ten days later we celebrated Pentecost praying that the Holy Spirit might be poured upon us as it had been upon the disciples so that we might be renewed and refreshed in our own lives and in the lives of our churches .

The Holy Spirit is the power of God and the presence of God in each one of us, enabling us to discover more and more about our faith, guiding us through our lives, coming alongside us when we need comfort and strength and giving us confidence to share our faith with others. Someone once said “God’s love is a great ocean yet undiscovered by us, and the Holy Spirit is the navigator of our ship leading us to further and further discoveries.

The presence of the Holy Spirit in our churches brings new experiences of worship and a growing love for each other. Time and time again throughout Christian history we read accounts of renewal and revival and we continue to hear such stories coming from the worldwide church today .

Some years ago, Lizzie went to Malawi, the poorest country in Africa, visiting the various projects which supplied Fairtrade products. One Sunday morning she asked if she could go to church and was taken to a tin- roofed church, crammed with two hundred Christian men, women and children all praising God together. She said she’d never seen a service like it for its worship was vibrant and exciting and powerful and when the service was over every one of those two hundred people came up and shook hands with her!

As we look forward to Julie’s Ordination to the Priesthood, the Confirmation Service, the continuation of the exciting Alpha Courses and the flourishing Life Groups – signs indeed that the Holy Spirit is at work amongst us - let us pray that this new season of Pentecost will continue to bring about a new experience of the power and presence of Jesus in the lives of each of one of us and in all the churches of the Minster.

Enjoy the month of June!

With Christian greetings

Revd. Julian