Gift Day

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Gift Day at St Nicholas – 23/26 June

You may be aware that we have a double problem of a failing organ – our beautiful Nicholson pipe organ that is over 150 years old, - and a sound system that is also failing. Worship in our churches is a key aspect of our gathering and in order to facilitate it we would like to upgrade our system. At this time, we are not in the position to restore the Nicholson (which is currently estimated to cost around £100,000) and it would take five years to do, so in the shorter term we would like to install a digital organ to supplement the pipe organ and to provide for our choral worship. Alongside this, we would like to upgrade the sound system to allow for clarity in our spoken word and to increase our capacity for worship led from a range of instruments.

To this end we will be holding a gift day on Sunday 23rd June and Wednesday 26th June to raise the funds we require to enable this to happen.

Together we journey beyond Pentecost where we are reminded of the generosity of God who gives his Holy Spirit to us, so that we can be his hands and voices, proclaiming his goodness in this world.

I ask you to pray that God will guide you as you consider your response to this request. Special envelopes will be available in church for you to place your donation.

On Sunday 23rd and Wednesday 26th there will the opportunity to bring your gift as part of our worship.

I continue to hold you in my prayers

Rev Katie Cross