Facilities and features
Disabled toilet available. Modern toilets
Within our disabled toilet.
Park in one of the many town centre car parks for just a couple of pounds.
yes, we have an accessible toilet.
Fully operative
All dogs are welcome
Our Building
We are a Grade 2* Listed building. Our building was designed by William Butterfield and St Andrew's spire is an iconic sight in the skyline of Rugby.
Music and Worship
We have 2 sets of ringable bells and an active and friendly bell ringing team. New ringers welcome.
We have a full range of classical concerts and other musical and cultural events.
8am BCP Communion every Sunday morning and a once a month Choral Evensong service usually the 4th Sunday of the month.
We have a Parish Choir which requires a good level of singing ability as well as a St Andrew's Community Singers, open to all. Young Choristers provides a training for the Parish Choir for children.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Big Table Gospel group meets every week.
Community Cafe Open most days.
Groups such as knitting and crochet, board games, and art meet regularly in the church cafe area.
Bereavement Point meets at 2pm on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday if there is one.
Mothers' Union Communion takes place on the third Wednesday of the month at 2.15pm. All welcome
Help for Visitors
St Andrew's Thirteen Bells Cafe is open every day except Sunday, serving teas and coffees, cake and lunches.
We are open Monday-Friday 9.30am-2.00pm and Sat 9.30-12.30 and Sunday for services.
Other Features
All our tea and coffee is fairtrade.
We are a collection point for foodbank.
We have a modern lighting and audio system, installed in 2017.
Our 10.30am Eucharist service is livestreamed twitch.tv/standrewrugby
Community Garden open to all.
Our church is available for hire for concerts and other events.
If you would like to have a conversation about receiving prayers of thanksgiving and blessing for same sex couples, we would love to hear from you.