BCP Services

for 1 hour
Frankton - St. Nicholas
Main Street Frankton Rugby, CV23 9PJ, United Kingdom

Services are held at 9am on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month according to the Book of Common Prayer. The first Sunday is Morning Prayer and the third Sunday is normally Holy Communion. Because the wider Benefice uses a different service pattern for some of the summer months, those 3rd Sundays will be Morning Prayer instead of Holy Communion. Morning Prayer is a simple said service but with some organ music to begin and end the service. The communion service includes organ music at the beginning and end of the service, traditional hymns, and some gentle music during communion.

We welcome anyone from anywhere who appreciates the traditional form of service embodied in the Book of Common Prayer 1662 Edition. You don't need to be local.

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Frankton - St. Nicholas

'Be still and know that I am God'


Welcome to our Church Near You home page for St. Nicholas, Frankton. 

We specialise in Book of Common Prayer services, which are the traditional form of service from the prayer book of 1662. We know that many still treasure the poetry of the language and in the King James bible.

We are a corporate member of The Prayer Book Society.

We have our own page on Facebook at: St Nicholas Church Frankton (you can find the link under the 'Social' section)

We are one church in a Benefice of eight rural churches, working together with our Priest in Charge, Rev Phil Price.

New Benefice Website
There is a benefice website to cover all 8 parishes: www.draycoteandleamvalleybenefice.com

If you would like to receive the weekly benefice e-newsletter, please go to Join our Mailing List on the website home page to sign up.

The benefice Facebook page is: Draycote-and-Leam-Valley-Benefices

Please look at the other pages for more details of our services, policies and ways in which you can support our church.

Thank you for reading this.

Get in touch

George Browning

Feldon Forest Farm

CV23 9PD
PCC Secretary
01926 632246

Our website

What's on

BCP Services

for 1 hour
Frankton - St. Nicholas
Main Street Frankton Rugby, CV23 9PJ, United Kingdom

Services are held at 9am on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month according to the Book of Common Prayer. The first Sunday is Morning Prayer and the third Sunday is normally Holy Communion. Because the wider Benefice uses a different service pattern for some of the summer months, those 3rd Sundays will be Morning Prayer instead of Holy Communion. Morning Prayer is a simple said service but with some organ music to begin and end the service. The communion service includes organ music at the beginning and end of the service, traditional hymns, and some gentle music during communion.

We welcome anyone from anywhere who appreciates the traditional form of service embodied in the Book of Common Prayer 1662 Edition. You don't need to be local.

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"The parish of Frankton, St Nicholas is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer(s), (PSO). The Diocese of Coventry’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSOs. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services."