DDay 80th Anniversary Commemoration

Congratulations and thank you to our Coffee Craft and Conversation folk who planned and organised such an amazing coffee morning to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D Day and thank you to Rev Jo for a poignant and sensitive service of Holy Communion beforehand.

Everyone’s hard work really paid off with an estimated 80 people visiting throughout the morning. It’s impossible to count the number of cakes eaten or the gallons of tea and coffee drunk but plenty of conversations were struck up and new friendships made. The memory table was a great talking point and conversation starter and led to some fascinating tales of wartime in Exhall.

Some of the amazing displays are still up in the small hall so do take time of have a look after church.

Thanks to everyone who made crafts to sell, made cakes, waited on tables, cleared up and all the other numerous tasks which made the day such a success. Special thanks must go to the mastermind behind the event, Karen White, whose energy, support and enthusiasm kept everyone going.

Through sales of items made by our crafty people, a raffle with stunning prizes and donations, the event raise almost £600 for veterans’ charity Combat Stress.