Midweek Communion

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
Holy Trinity, Attleborough, Nuneaton
Fifield Close Attleborough Nuneaton, CV11 4TS, United Kingdom

A lovely time to come together for a quieter service. We sing a hymn, look at the Bible together and share communion, using Common Worship liturgy. With drinks and/or a simple lunch available in the hall afterwards if you are able to stay, or come early for Trinitea, our drop in.


Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Holy Trinity, Attleborough, Nuneaton
Fifield Close Attleborough Nuneaton, CV11 4TS, United Kingdom

This weekly group is run by volunteers from Holy Trinity Church on Tuesday afternoons 1.30pm - 3.00pm. A friendly event to enjoy a cuppa and a chat with local people. People knit, play board games, chess, Jenga, do jigsaws and some of us just sit and chat, while making new friends. Everyone is welcome.
We'd love to see you!
For more information call Alison on 02476 736002

Food Bank at Holy Trinity

Every Wednesday and Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Holy Trinity, Attleborough, Nuneaton
Fifield Close Attleborough Nuneaton, CV11 4TS, United Kingdom

The Food Bank at Holy Trinity is open every Wednesday and Friday, 1.30-3pm. Please remember to get a voucher and some bags! If you want to donate food there are a number of collection points at local supermarkets or drop it into the church on a Wednesday or Sunday morning. Sorry we can't do deliveries. Info on getting a voucher: https://nuneaton.foodbank.org.uk/

Thursday Evening Celtic Prayer on Zoom

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
Holy Trinity, Attleborough, Nuneaton
Fifield Close Attleborough Nuneaton, CV11 4TS, United Kingdom

A quiet, peaceful service to meet with God. Get in touch for the link.

Sunday at 9 Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
Holy Trinity, Attleborough, Nuneaton
Fifield Close Attleborough Nuneaton, CV11 4TS, United Kingdom

A 45 minutes traditional parish communion, Common Worship, with two hymns and a sermon, followed by tea and coffee.

Sunday at 10.30 Worship Together

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Holy Trinity, Attleborough, Nuneaton
Fifield Close Attleborough Nuneaton, CV11 4TS, United Kingdom

Contemporary worship, Bible teaching and prayer. Children join for worship, then go out for their own group, apart from on a fourth Sunday when we all stay together. Followed by tea and coffee.

Family Fun

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Holy Trinity, Attleborough, Nuneaton
Fifield Close Attleborough Nuneaton, CV11 4TS, United Kingdom

Every Monday in term time from 4.15pm. All families welcome with children of any age. Each week we all have a hot meal, play games, chat, go outside if the weather is good and have a Together time, where adults and children gather for a short time. It's always fun! And it's free. Just turn up.

Termtime only