A Traditional Village Fete with 1940s theme for VJ Day.It will be in the churchyard CV10 0QR (What three words. Restless.Crumples.Nasal.)Bake off Competition war time recipes, Raffle, Refreshments, Produce Stall, Children's Crafts, History Tours, and Traditional games including Apple Bobbing, Coconut Shy, Tin Can Alley and Splat the Rat!August Bank Holiday Monday 25th 1.30 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.
We are holding over the August Bank Holiday our 60th and final Flower Festival. The theme is ‘Titles’ e.g. “Love”, “Joy,” etc. bringing the Bible alive to ourselves and especially to those who visit. To know the reason why come to the 10.30 service Sunday 25th. Open Saturday & Monday 11.00am-5.00pm. Sunday 12 noon–6pm. Services Sunday 10.30am. Holy Communion. Monday 5.30pm, Thanksgiving Service With refreshments in the annexe which can be enjoyed in the churchyard. A produce stall, a raffle for the Madeira cake and a quiz. We have been given some beautifully embroidered cross stitch flowers that were made by people from around the world for a Christmas Tree festival. Available for donations £5 or over. If anyone can help before, during or after the event please do ask. We appreciate gifts of cakes and produce. Help serving refreshments and manning the stalls, cleaning on the Friday before and the Wednesday after. Donations of flowers and money to buy flowers much appreciated. Also important are your prayers. Monday afternoon Ansley Morris will be dancing in the churchyard, (church if wet). Help with publicity appreciated, in any form, displaying posters, social media and the best “Word of Mouth” Please tell people. Also, your prayers are very important. You can place a prayer in the Prayer Jar, a flower in an arrangement as thanksgiving, lay a stone at the cross leaving your burdens there. Again we are supporting the Nuneaton Hospital League of Friends, Acorns Children’s Hospice and church funds. Entrance is free but we ask for a donation to thank God for the joy of the Flower Festival. We pray for God’s blessing as we prepare for this event.Full details https://www.ansleychurch.org/news/flower-festival-2024/Photos and report of 2023 festival https://www.ansleychurch.org/news/flower-festival-2023-report/
This year it will be our 19th Christmas Tree Festival there will be as in past years 60 trees in the church together with the larger Remembrance Tree. All the trees will be decorated by local individuals, families, schools, businesses, or groups and organisations. The festival commences on Saturday 7th December and will be open the three weekends up to Christmas. Saturdays 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sundays 12 noon – 5 p.m. The church can also be opened by arrangement for groups during the week. During the event there will be hot drinks and mince pies available in the annexe. There will also be a raffle for the specially made Christmas Cake. Admission will continue to be £2.00 per person and accompanied children under 12 will be free. The proceeds will be in aid of Church funds, with a donation being given to the Mary Ann Evans Hospice. This Festival is enjoyed by all ages, starting with the “Wow” factor when entering the church with all the lights on. We are sure that our tree decorators will come up with equally imaginative titles and varied displays as in past years. Jess & Richard Arrowsmith with Jo Maher will be returning again this year as part of their Christmas tour on Saturday 7th December 7.30 p.m. They will be performing a concert of traditional English songs and music with many Christmas carols. This lively concert is really well received each year. There will be the traditional trees that we have each year e.g. the Poppy Tree and The Remembrance Tree, where visitors can put the names of loved ones on a star and make a donation toward churchyard grass cutting which costs over £4,500 each year. In the vestry there will be the Prayer Tree and the opportunity to light a candle. Other than the trees, there are again a selection of Christmas and winter displays in windows and suspended from arches and ceilings. As in previous years, there will be a crib on the altar to remind all of us that the gift to mankind of the baby Jesus is the true meaning of Christmas. On Sunday 8th there will be a Christingle service with donations to the Children’s Society. Everyone will be given a Christingle during the service and use back at home. The festival will finish with the traditional Nine Lessons and Carols service at 6.30 p.m. on Sunday 22nd When we will have a few moments just before the service with just the lights from the trees. The trees will remain in the church until after Christmas so will be in situ for the Communion service on Christmas morning at 10.30 a.m.