Weekly gatherings at 10am on a Sunday morning
- Occurring
- Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
- Venue
- Kenilworth - St. John the Evangelist
- Address Warwick Road Kenilworth Warwickshire, CV8 1HY, United Kingdom
Our Sunday morning gatherings follow the monthly pattern below:
1st Sunday of the month: In God's Presence
We set aside waiting time in the presence of the Holy Spirit; where all our plans are flexible so that we can hear God, become more open to him, becoming more able to change in his presence.
2nd Sunday of the month: Hearing God’s Word
We honour God's word by hearing and studying scripture, through teaching, preaching and applying the Bible to our lives. So that we order our lives as God would have them, with his heart and mind in us.
3rd Sunday of the month: Learning Christ’s Ways
We focus on the particular ways, qualities and goals of Jesus Christ.So we are shaped into his likeness as the early disciples were, learning to make disciples who make disciples.
4th Sunday of the month: Holy Communion followed by whole church social time
This service is centred around the sharing of bread and wine. There are separate tables of activities for younger children.
This will be followed by a period of social time to which the whole church family and friends are invited. Please see our website (www.stjohn316.co.uk) for details of the current programme of activities.