Epiphany 2021Here we are, Lockdown 3. However, unlike the earlier lockdown, churches are permitted to open for worship. As the poet T.S. Eliot puts it in ‘Journey of the Magi’ which he wrote shortly after his conversion to Christianity in 1927:“A cold coming we had of it,Just the worst time of the year For a journey, and such a long journey:The ways deep and the weather sharp,The very dead of winter”.Nevertheless, God’s people can gather to worship.Saturday 9th January 9.30-10.30 Hatton Church is open for Private Prayer.Sunday 10th January 10 am. Hatton Church Holy Communion.Sunday 24th January 8.30 am. Haseley Church Holy Communion.Sunday 30th January 10 am. Hatton Church Holy Communion.Keith Mobberley
Rector’s Letter<div>In the city of London between 1400 and 1560 it was forbidden to wear masks in the street at Christmastide. As people made their way home from parties, presumably a little worse for wear, it was too easy for masked villains to take advantage and rob them of their purses. So masks were outlawed throughout the 12 days of the festive season.<div></div><div>The American writer James Baldwin put it like this:</div><div></div><div>‘Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.’</div><div></div><div>God at Christmas unveils, embodies his love in human form so that humanity can be released from its pride and its fears, distilled in his presence into a soul’s awakening. In the incarnation, God takes off his mask of invisibility and in doing so invites us to do the same. Hope is now very much on the horizon with the availability of a vaccine to protect us all.</div><div></div><div>Over Advent and Christmas we began to open our churches for worship. Over January as we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany and Candlemas we plan to offer the following services:</div><div></div><div>Sunday 3rd January Holy Communion, Hatton, 10 am</div><div></div><div>Sunday 3rd January Matins, Honiley, 10 am.</div><div></div><div>Sunday 24th January St Marys Haseley, Holy Communion, 8.30 am.</div><div></div><div>Sunday 31st January, Holy Trinity Hatton, Holy Communion (Candlemas), 10 am.</div><div></div><div>A quotation I read this week which struck a chord concerning our celebration of the light of Christ in this season of Epiphany read:</div><div></div><div>‘In the midst of winter I finally learned there was an invisible summer’ <font size="1">Albert Camus</font>.</div><div></div><div><div>May this season </div><div>Lift you above the restraints and fears</div><div>Of the past months</div><div>And bring you to a New Year</div><div>Where hopes can be fulfilled</div><div>And we may freely meet again. </div></div><div><font size="1">( adapted from a prayer by Anton Dowell) </font></div><div><font size="1"></font></div><div>Keith Mobberley</div></div>
<b>Rector’s Christmas Message</b><div><div><br></div><div>Archbishop Justin Welby was interviewed over the weekend by Andrew Marr. +Justin was asked “Is Christmas cancelled?” He answered, No. Christmas will be very different for all of us but it is not cancelled. We celebrate once again the good news that God came down to earth in human form, in Jesus.</div><div><br></div><div>The commercial Christmas and the family Christmas have been significantly curtailed, and yet the meaning of the season remains.</div><div><br></div><div>We gather to worship our Saviour once again this Christmas Day:</div><div><br></div><div>8.30 am Holy Communion at Rowington.</div><div><br></div><div>9.00 am Holy Communion at Honiley.</div><div><br></div><div>10.00 Holy Communion at Hatton.</div><div><br></div><div>2021 is just around the corner. Hope is on the horizon. We have decided to offer the following services in January to nurture faith, cultivate hope and encourage God’s people in these challenging times:</div><div><br></div><div>Sunday 3rd January 10.00 am Holy Trinity Hatton</div><div><br></div><div>Sunday 24th January 8.30 am Holy Communion St Mary’s Haseley</div><div><br></div><div>Sunday 30th January 10.00 am Holy Trinity Hatton</div><div><br></div><div>May you experience the peace and joy of a Christ filled Christmas</div><div><br></div><div>Keith Mobberley</div></div>
Rector’s Message: Advent NewsletterAdvent is a season of joyful expectancy when we prepare to receive again the good news of the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ. It is news that we want to share with others. It is news too precious to keep to ourselves. The joy, the light, the hope needs to be renewed in us and to spill out to witness to those around us. News that God came to be with us where we are because of His infinite love for us. None of us needs to be reminded of the challenges that this year brings as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ. As we prepare for celebrating Christmas in our homes, we have also been making preparations to celebrate in our churches. Details of services below. The services we are able to have, the Christmas trees in our churchyards, the stars on the railings at Haseley are all ways in which we are witnessing to the coming of Christ into a world which so badly needs Him. We are witnessing to the joy, the hope that can never be extinguished. We learn once again that the Christ who was born in a manger is not restricted by our buildings or Covid prohibitions. His embrace takes in the world. A world full of challenges and need. His peace is ready for us each to receive in our hearts. So let us make whatever preparations we can. Put a light in your window. Put up a star on Haseley railings. Make ready once more to welcome and witness to the Christ child as we wait for Him this Advent."Of what help is it if Jesus was born, if he is not born within us?” St AugustineServices and EventsSaturday 12th ad 19th December Holy Trinity Church open for prayer 9.30-10.30Thursdays 11.00 Zoom Bible Study. Log in details from Karen Walker at karenkewq@gmail.comSunday 13th December 8.30 am Holy Communion St Mary’s HaseleySaturday 19th December St Mary’s Haseley. Church open 10 - 3pm to see the Christmas decorations.Sunday 20th December St Mary’s Hasely 2.30 pm. Open air carol and crib service. Bring a mask, a chair and wrap up warmly for a short celebration where we will be arranged into 2metre bubbles.(NO Midnight Mass due to Covid risk)Christmas Day8.30 am St Laurence Rowington, Holy Communion9 am St John the Baptist Honiley, Holy Communion10 am Holy Trinity Hatton, Holy Communion