Facilities and features
The church car park is in Wickham Close, CV6 2PD, next to the Church Hall. Walk through the churchyard to reach the church.
There is level access to the church via the Galilee Room at the Tamworth Road end.
The Galilee Room entrance gives step free access to the church
Our Building
Bronze Eco Church Award achieved
St Thomas' is Grade II listed
Music and Worship
We welcome new people to join our ringers. Bells are rung for Sunday worship and weddings. Practice is at 7pm on Tuesdays.
Our 9am service is Common Worship order 2 which is almost identical to the Holy COmmunion service in the Book of Common Prayer.
Music for our 10.30am services is led by our Worship band
Groups, Courses and Activities
We run a course for enquirers at leas once a year, such as Start! or Christianity Explored
41st Coventry Beavers meet at 6pm on a Friday night
Home groups meet fortnightly or monthly to encourage one another and look at the Bible together
Brownies meet in the Scout Hut on Wednesdays
The Community Coffee Stop is open every Wednesday from 9.30am to 1pm in The Pit Stop, CV7 8LD.
41st Coventry Cubs meet on a Monday evening
Guides meet on Mondays in the Hall at 6.30pm
Messy Church Breakfast is on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9.30am at the Pit Stop, CV7 8LD
Refreshment Group meets on alternate Tuesdays from 1.30pm to 3pm
First Steps is every Monday during term time from 9.30am to 10.30am at St Thomas' Church
Little Nutkins provide a preschool in the Church Hall
Rainbows meet on a Tuesday evening in the Church Hall
41st Coventry Scouts meet on a Tuesday in the Scout Hut
Help for Visitors
Other Features
All words and liturgy are projected on our large screen for services.